Counselling and Psychotherapy

Which approach do you need?
To put it very simply, counselling tends to look at the problem ‘outside of me’ and psychotherapy tends to deal with the problem ‘inside of me’.
Counselling focuses on treating unwanted or distressing emotional or behavioural symptoms. The aim of counselling is to ease emotional distress and help you get back to a normal level of functioning.
Psychotherapy, from the consumer’s perspective, has many similarities with counselling, and indeed, there is much overlap between the two approaches. For example, they both aim at easing emotional distress so that you can get on with living a normal life again and both approaches will help you learn more effective ways of managing the problem should the same thing occur in the future.
The difference, however, is that whilst also attending to a person’s immediate symptoms, psychotherapy will have more focus on the underlying aspects of somebody’s character structure that might contribute to the problem. In other words, what is it about your psychological makeup that might influence the situations you find yourself in?
Sessions $130.00/hour
(Discount for community service card holders may apply)
Personal Growth and Healing Grief Workshops

Half-Day Workshops
- Grief workshops
- Empowerment workshops
I offer strength based workshops to assist you in finding tools and tips to care and support yourself despite facing life changes and challenges.
1 Day Healing Through Grief Workshop
4 October 2024, 9.30am-3.30pm
Free Grief-WORKSHOP, Friday,
4 October 2024
Part 1 Morning
Part 2 Afternoon (optional)
Part 1: This morning workshop is open to anyone who has lost a loved one and would like to find support, under-standing and tools to manage through their grief process. The loss can be more recent or quite some time ago.
‘You will gain an understanding of your unique grief process, tools and tips to care, enhance resilience and support yourself despite facing life changes and challenges during your time of grief.’
Part 2 (optional afternoon workshop for participants to attend):
Beyond. The afternoon is an invitation to those who are curious about exploring, talk about and learn more the Multidimensional/Spiritual aspects of the grief experience. Understanding intuition and signs.
Both workshops are educational and strength-based.
These are FREE workshops and kindly funded by the Buller West Coast Home Hospice Trust and held West Coast Health rooms on Friday 4 October 2024, in Greymouth. – Donations to either organisation are optional and welcome.
9.30pm to 12.30pm (Part 1)
1.30pm to 3.30pm (Part 2 – optional)
Morning Tea is provided. Bring your own lunch for those attending both parts.
Gabriela is an experienced Psychotherapist and Grief Counsellor and has held these groups on the West Coast over the past 5 years. She has worked with clients for over 30 years and has a passion for people. Gabriela practices a strength-based, integrative and holistic approach.
Registration or enquiries:
Phone Gabriela on 021-048-0324
Email: sundialnz@gmail.com, website: www.sundialnz.com
6 Week Healing Through Grief Workshops
Learning about grief and loss, different styles and ways.
Skill building strategies for managing grief and you will learn about supporting and maintaining wellbeing through self-care and much more.
DECU / OMcodes session

Your body is intelligent. Your cells hold memory. Experience powerful techniques with DECU (Dermal Expression Cellular Upgrade) and OMcodes that will clear old belief systems and programs stored in your cells. Your cells have a consciousness and it is awakening right now, as you begin learning the power of the mind, body, spirit connection.
DECU and OMCodes are gentle yet powerful energetic processes that support your development to step into your highest potential.
As we raise the frequency which flows through our physical body and activate our original Blueprint, we gain access to higher states of consciousness.
Are you ready to take a journey that awakens your cells?
Are you ready to reprogram your body to rejuvenate, regenerate and hold the frequency of Eternal Youth, Health and Vitality?
In a session with me (certified DECU and OMcodes practitioner,) you experience life changing shifts in a very short amount of time. You will reprogram your cells and amplify your personal awakening and self-empowerment.
DECU is a method of reprogramming limiting belief systems on a cellular level. Reprogramming the cells awakens an intelligence that is held within each of us. This intelligence, or Divine Technology, is the foundation of the evolved human experience. It is a technology that holds the highest human potential.
Whether you are just awakening to your personal mastery or you have been on the path for sometime, DECU is a practice that will change your cellular and molecular structure.
If you are ready to heal from the INSIDE OUT in the most advanced modality available, I invite you to explore this modality.
Ask yourself: "What is it that you want to change"?
Sessions from $130.00
Holistic Therapy

All therapy sessions are person centred and tailored to your needs. In a holistic therapy session you may experience any combination of the therapeutic modalities that I have been trained in, including talking therapy as well as energy work, Flower Remedies, TFH Kinesiology, Reiki, Aura Light Colour Therapy, Coding and more. I will use my intuition to guide me to support your personal healing, growth and evolution. Let yourself be guided to 'feel' into what type of session is right for YOU. Contact me to find out more. $130.00/hour
Evolution Journey Card Reading

This is a card reading like no other. The Universe communicates in numbers. Whether you seek guidance or are just curious, you will be supported to your highest potential.
Each reading leaves a coded message I will then transfer to you allowing you to leave with the vibrational intelligence of your future pattern.
This is not just a card reading; it is an upgrade in the technology held in the DNA. You will advance in consciousness, raise in frequency and step into your own highest potential as you begin to hold reflection through this ground breaking tool.​
The Evolution Journey is truly holding the energy of the most advanced future patterns!
Sessions from $90.00
For more information on Evolution Card Coding you can contact me via email or phone on my contact section below.
Your responsibility when booking a session

Take responsibility for your appointment:
If you have booked any appointment with me and if you need to postpone or cancel your appointment please make a courtesy call at least 24 hours in advance. - Missed sessions, failure to arrive, i.e. no call or now show or cancellation with less than 8 hours notice may occur a $40.00 fee. - Thank you for being mindful and considerate to myself and others.